Zonta Rockhampton IWD Breakfast 2021

Zonta Rockhampton IWD Breakfast, held on Monday 8th March at the Frenchville Sports Club, was an outstanding success and President Catherine thanked all members for their efforts in ensuring that this was the case.

Thanks are due to Ergon Energy for their generous sponsorship of the occasion and the Frenchville Sports Club for their in-kind support. FSC have provided a venue for this event for many years. Almost 200 guests made bookings for the occasion.

The guest speaker was Sacha Kirk from LawCadia, Living Treasure Award recipient Margaret Whitchurch, Young Women in Public Affairs Award winner Camille Gallais. YWPA Award applicant Madison Hilker, was highly commended.

A very successful multi-draw raffle led by Valda was conducted.

Thank you to the team of Zontians who worked hard to make this event a success.