Zonta e-Club of Queensland Inc

? queensland

The Zonta e-Club of Queensland was chartered in 2019 and caters for those who live in locations where there are currently no Zonta Clubs or where members are unable to attend a regular Zonta meeting because of work or personal issues but who wish to be a member of Zonta International and contribute to the work of Zonta.  We have members throughout all regions of Queensland and also some interstate members.  We meet on-line on a monthly basis, second Wednesday of each month (February to December) from 6.00pm-7.00pm

Members communicate with each other via e-mail or teleconference and are encouraged to attend Zonta Conferences and meetings where possible .  When opportunities arise, we proactively work with other Zonta Clubs to support Zonta’s mission of ‘Empowering Women Through Service and Advocacy’.



Applications are now open for the 2025 Zonta Young Women in Leadership Awards.  The Award recognises young women for their commitment to volunteerism, volunteer leadership achievements and dedication to empowering women worldwide.  The deadline for Applications is Friday 14 March 2025.



Some of our past activities have included:

  • Fundraising Sausage Sizzle at Dalby Bunnings on Saturday 30 November 2024 and 8 February 2025, where the Club also had a Black Shoe Display, with the second Sausage Sizzle to raise funds for the Golden Z Club at Griffith University for their birthing kits;
  • Fundraising Raffle which was drawn in early December, in time for Christmas.  The Raffle had lots of great prizes, including the 1st prize which was an up to 4 week stay in a Old Village House in the South of France;
  • Donation of Gift packs in time for Christmas for the students at Kogan Primary School.  The gift packs included gift packs with books, candy and trinkets.  The Club also provided sausages and other food for a sausage sizzle at the school for the students.
  • Donation of goods to the Chinchilla Police Station for their safe space.  Sergeant Robbie has indicated that the safe space will be operational by February 2025.
  • Purchase of white goods donated to Murilla Community Centre, Miles, to support regional and rural women relocating due to impacts of domestic violence
  • Christmas hampers for mothers and children donated to those in need in regional and rural communities in Queensland;
  • Support of Zonta Says No and 16 Days of Activism campaigns and activities through collaborating with the Zonta Club of Toowoomba and Toowoomba Garden City Club;
  • Partnership with Education Queensland and Origin Energy to support Women in STEM event during National Sciences Week to promote studies and careers for women in STEM and in non traditional roles in industry; Over 30 schools across rural and regional Queensland have been involved with this annual event over the past 3 years; 
  • Re-establishment of the Golden Z Club at the Griffith University, Gold Coast campus, including providing support for the Golden Z Club’s Black Shoe Displays at Runaway Bay Shopping Centre on the Gold Coast; and
  • STEM scholarships for Year 12 female secondary school students living in Southwest country and remote areas of Queensland . In 2023,  CS Energy came on board as a funding partner to assist with and support STEM scholarships for female students living in the North Burnett and Banana shire regions in Queensland; Applications for the 2024 STEM scholarship in these regions are currently open. Please see more details below:
  • For more information please contact the Secretary, via email or phone 0407 721 421.




To find out more about our Clubs in District 22 Click here


Applications are currently open to  Year 12 female students living in the North Burnett and Banana Shire Regions  are invited to apply for the 2024 Zonta eClub of Qld STEM Award.  Please see further details below.

STEM Scholarship 2024

National Sciences Week celebrations – Women in STEM, Chinchilla and Biloela 2024

 As part of National Sciences Week celebrations, events were held in Chinchilla and Biloela.  This year’s guest speakers at the Chinchilla forum  included Dr. Karen Massel, Dr. Alice Twomey, Allison Zeller, Cameron Obst and Shanence Blake. Students from Miles and Dalby State High Schools also attended. 

In Biloela, guest speakers included Zonta eClub Member Dr. Shalomie Shadrach, ZI STEM Awardee, Shayna Spencer, Sally Bulten, Marion Mitchell and Cameron Obst. The 2024 STEM Award for students in the North Burnett and Banana shires was launched at the event.

Many thanks to the ongoing support of our funding partners Origin Energy and CS Energy.

Chinchilla Brochure_2024