Zonta Club of Southern Gold Coast Tweed Inc.

? southern gold coast tweed

       The Zonta Club of Southern Gold Coast Tweed is one of two Zonta Clubs on the beautiful Gold Coast of Queensland.  The Club is at the southern end of the Gold Coast with members from both Queensland and the border town of Tweed Heads and the environs.

The Club was chartered in 1980 and since receiving its Charter has actively supported Zonta International and local service projects.

Club members are also active within the local the District, servicing endorsed projects & making and supplying  Zonta Breast Care Cushions to local women who have undergone breast surgery and assembling Zonta Birthing Kits which are distributed to developing countries under an AusAid Grant, which provide a clean birthing area for women during childbirth.

Our Zonta Club meets on the third Monday of each month at 6.30pm at Tweed Heads Sports Club at 4 Minjungbal Drive, Tweed Heads South, in the The Secret Garden room and holds a dinner meeting at this time often with guest speakers & various activities.

If you would like to be advised, regarding our ZONTA events & activities or our guest speakers & dinner meetings, then please call Yvonne on m: 0402 514 878 or send an email with your contact details.

As we are always eager to welcome new members into our Club, and if you would like to know more about membership of the Zonta Club Southern Gold Coast Tweed Inc. then please call Pauline on m: 0416 579 006 or by email who will be happy to provide you with a new members information kit.

To find out more about the activities of Zonta Clubs throughout our District Click here.

In 2020 the Zonta Club of Southern Gold Coast Tweed Inc will celebrate 40 years of service since receiving it Charter as the Zonta Club of the Tweed Valley Area.  To mark this milestone the Club has produced a summary of its activities.  You can read all bout it by clicking on the attachment below.

ZCSGCT Club History