Successful Breast Cushion Working Bee


The working bee this morning was very successful with a great outcome.

Many thanks to Suzan, Meredith, Catherine, Helen, Jenny, Berenice and we all enjoyed meeting Lisa, who was a volunteer as a result of seeing the cushions at the stall at the Health Expo last week.

Out thanks to Suzan for the great venue and for storing all our bits and pieces in between time.

All worked away happily while chatting and the tea and coffee, chocolate slice and Anzac biscuits sustained us very well.

A good number of cushions are ready for wrapping for delivery to the Breast Care Nurse and a large number are on the way to completion.

We had a visit from Jodie Van de Wetering who is a reporter from ABC Capricornia, who did a short interview and also some filming for the ABC Radio Facebook page.

She also had seen the Breast Cushions at the Health Expo which prompted her visit.

(Good marketing Judie).

