Guest Speaker Inspector Virginia Nelson

It was with great pleasure that Zontians welcomed guest speaker Inspector Virginia Nelson to the October dinner meeting.  Virginia addressed the meeting regarding  her policy of empowering woman within the ranks of the police force. She has also been very active in the community, working with all concerned groups who work towards eliminating violence against women.  Virginia recently won an Excellence in Leadership Award . Trish, who represents Zonta on the Domestic Violence Steering Committee, thanked Virginia for her inspiring presentation.

The following article was published in the Morning Bulletin on  11 August 2014.


Excellence in Leadership – Inspector Virginia Nelson

 Last Friday, August 8, Inspector Virginia Nelson, currently the Capricornia District City Patrol Group Inspector, won the award of “Excellence in Leadership” for her committed leadership both within the community and from an internal perspective.

 Inspector Nelson is a dedicated leader and is committed to building a resilient community through collaborative approaches to policing. She is also highly motivated in terms of furthering the development of regional women in policing.

Inspector Nelson has been a driving force behind significant collaborative proactive tactics to combat a burgeoning Domestic Violence problem in Capricornia District. Through Inspector Nelson’s actions, the shared power of multiple agencies were marshalled in a two day Domestic Violence Forum. Participants committed to a Domestic Violence Steering committee which ultimately led to a dedicated services ‘hub’ to provide coordinated approaches to better service domestic violence clients in Rockhampton.

 Further, since early 2014 Inspector Nelson garnered support from senior management to push forward with a range of specialist programs aimed at the development of female QPS staff in regional areas. Her unique communication skills and capacity to create confidence in individuals has led to strong buy in of programs created to address gender imbalance in the QPS work force.