Zonta supports women and children on the Capricorn Coast

The Zonta Club of Rockhampton once again supported the Yeppoon Community Centre Christmas Gifts and Hampers Appeal for women and children in need on the Capricorn Coast.  A donation of many bags of non-perishable groceries, including some Christmas treats, were gratefully received by the Community Centre staff. These goods will be separated into individual hampers for distribution. Jan delivered goods to the Community Centre on behalf of Zonta.

There are significant issues with homelessness and domestic and family violence impacting women and children living on the Capricorn Coast. The Community Centre is a place for the community to access supportive information and to meet, learn and share each other’s skills and knowledge. It provides community groups with space to hold their community meetings, the community to engage with health, family and visiting services as well as a place for like-minded individuals to come together.