Zonta Rockhampton President’s Report May 2021
Members of the Rockhampton Club gathered for the Annual General Meeting and to thank Catherine Dunbar for her 2 year term as President. Vice President Trish Collins thanked Catherine on behalf of the members and presented Catherine with a bouquet of flowers. Catherine very ably steered us through the unusual times of the pandemic.
New member Beverley Meredith was inducted by President Catherine. Members warmly welcomed Beverley as she was presented with her Zonta Pin, Name Badge and and ZI Certificate by Membership Coordinator Valda Fitzgerald.
Also, Past Area 4 Director for 2006 to 2008, of the then District 24 (Queensland, New South Wales and ACT), installed the new Board members who will take up their duties on 1st June.
Open and read the President’s Annual Report for 2020-2021 below.
Zonta Rockhampton President’s Annual Report 2021