Zonta Rockhampton hosts yearly IWD Breakfast
Members of the Zonta Club of Rockhampton hosted the annual IWD Breakfast on Friday morning 7th March at the Rockhampton Leagues Club in Cambridge Street, with 245 guests in attendance. Guest Speaker was Angie Zahra, General Manager of Stanwell Power Station, who held the attention of all with her inspiring address which included tips for young women including energy creates energy, recognize your potential, energy distribution is not linear, supply must meet demand.
The event was to also celebrate the achievements of young women in Rockhampton. The Young Women in Leadership Award attracted nominees from Secondary Schools in Rockhampton, namely Alexis Rodgers, Aileesha Carrier, Cadence Wone de Rungs, Paige Emery, Kathleen Nguyen, Heidi O’Shea and Holly Atkinson. The YWiLA recognizes young women for their commitment to volunteerism, volunteer leadership achievements and dedication to empowering women worldwide. The winner of the YWiLA was Kathleen Nguyen.
The annual Zonta Living Treasure Award was also presented at the event with the winner being Beth Johnson. The Living Treasure Award has been offered each year to coincide with celebrations on International Women’s Day. Women over 16 years of age are invited to apply. Personal qualities and attributes such as capacity and capability to achieve, capacity to inspire, empower and influence others by one’s achievements and capacity to bring about change for a group, community, town, city, region are sought in nominees to be considered as a Zonta Living Treasure. Beth has used her extensive sewing skills to make and donate hundreds of items to various worthwhile causes, one of which was making and donating 20 zippered bags to hold useful articles and toiletries, to be donated to the homeless cause.
Thanks to Alison for photos: