Zonta Club of Roma Area Inc.

? roma area

Roma, The Capital of the Western Downs in Queensland, is located some 500 kilometres north west of Brisbane and is strategically situated on the intersection of the Warrego Highway and the Great Inland Way. As early as 1900 a government bore being drilled for artesian water, struck petroleum gas giving the first certain indication in Australia that oil might be discovered. In time, sufficient natural gas was found in the district to warrant the building of the Wallumbilla to Brisbane gas pipeline which was opened in 1969 and continues to provide gas to Brisbane residents.

The Zonta Club of Roma Inc (Club Number 1432) was chartered as a member of Zonta International on 26 August 1993. Its Celebratory Dinner and presentation of the Charter occurred in November the same year.

The Club since its inception has been actively promoting the goals of Zonta in Roma and its surrounds. The Club raises funds for service activities at both the International and local levels as well as providing “hands on” service in the local community.

The Club meets on the 4th Tuesday of each month at the White Bull Tavern at 6.00pm or contact may be made by writing to PO Box 1003, Roma, Q., 4455 or send an email with your contact details if you wish to be invited to the next Dinner Meeting.

To find out more about the activities of Zonta Clubs throughout District 22 Click here