Zonta Club of Rockhampton Inc.

? rockhampton




Rockhampton, with a population of approximately 60 thousand and situated on the Tropic of Capricorn just 45 kilometres inland from the Pacific Ocean, sits astride Queensland’s largest river, the Fitzroy. Queensland’s favourite tropical city is bounded by the magnificent Berserker Ranges and Mount Archer (607 metres high) which provide an imposing backdrop to a busy, growing city that is both friendly and vibrant. Rockhampton’s location between the coast and the rural hinterland provides visitors and residents with the choice of unlimited investment and recreational pursuits.

The Zonta Club of Rockhampton received its Charter on 05 August 1983 and in August 2023 celebrated 40 years of service, supporting local and global projects. The club began with a membership of 32, committed to “empowering women and girls worldwide through service and advocacy”.

Currently there are 30 members in the club.

The Club meets on the 4th Thursday of each month in the Board Room, Rocky Sports Club, Wandal at 5.00pm for a 6.00pm meeting followed by optional dinner at 7.00pm. When necessary, meetings are held by ZOOM teleconferencing. If you are interested in learning more about Zonta and would like to join our Club in its endeavours to BUILD A BETTER WORLD FOR WOMEN AND GIRLS, you may click here or send an e-mail to the club with your contact details, and we will contact you with information. You are also welcome to join a club meeting as a guest if you wish.

Since August 1983, thousands of dollars have been raised of which most has been returned to the local community by way of local projects with the rest being donated to the Zonta International Foundation Fund for Zonta International global projects. Click here to read about them.

A Potted History of the club, which documents activities for the thirty years from Charter in 1983 to June 2013, appears below on this page and gives a record of the club’s work over those years.

Rockhampton Zontians are proud to be part of a worldwide organization with approximately 27,000 members in almost 1000 Clubs in 63 countries. Rockhampton Zontians are proud to work with members around the world, who are committed to improving the lives of women everywhere.  To achieve this, Zonta

  • Participates in service projects that empower women and girls worldwide, to help women to achieve their aspirations and enjoy a better quality of life.
  • Advocates Zonta’s position on women’s issues locally and internationally, safeguarding women’s rights as human rights.
  • Achieves greater impact on the international platform by combining our voices with likeminded organizations and through our consultative status with the United Nations as a non-governmental organization.
  • Works with government and community leaders who share common goals.
  • Encourages and helps students to develop leadership skills, explore career options, and participate in community projects.


To find out more about the activities of Zonta Clubs throughout District 22 Click here

Zonta Rockhampton 20th Anniversary Celebrations:

Rockhampton-Club-20th-Anniversary 2003

Zonta Rockhampton 30th Anniversary Celebrations:

Zonta Rockhampton 30th Anniversary Celebrations

Zonta Rockhampton 40th Anniversary Celebrations:

A Successful 40th Anniversary High Tea for Zonta Rockhampton members and guests

Zonta Rockhampton Potted History 1983 – 2014:

Zonta Rockhampton Potted History – Years 1983 to 2014 


Awards, Service Projects and Advocacy:


CQ University Awards: Through Central Queensland University, Zonta offers two awards for women in the areas of Engineering and Paramedic Science and a third award in the STEPS program. Zonta began this partnership with the University in June 1985 when it offered two awards in the then Faculties of Science and Engineering. The awards were increased to three when an award in the Faculty of Information Technology was added to the list in June 1999. In 2010, during consultation between Zonta’s representatives and academic staff at the University, consideration was given to the changing climate in universities regarding full time and part time students, on campus and distance study in these courses. As the original aim of the awards was to target courses with low female enrolment, it was decided to offer two academic awards in the areas of Engineering and Information Technology commencing 2011. The STEPS bridging course award was introduced also in 2011, to support female students wishing to enter tertiary study. The successful completion of the STEPS course enables students to gain admission to an undergraduate degree.


YWL Award:  The Young Women in Leadership Award (formerly Public Affairs) is offered annually to encourage secondary school women to enter careers or seek leadership positions in social policymaking, government and volunteer organizations. Established in 1990 by Past International President Leneen Forde, the Young Women in Leadership (Public Affairs) Award honors young women of age 16 to 19, who demonstrate a commitment to leadership in public policy, government and volunteer organizations. The program operates at the Zonta club, district/region and international levels. Zonta clubs provide awards for club recipients, and district/region and international awards are funded by the Zonta International Foundation. Zonta International offers international awards of US$5,000 each, with one award recipient from each Zonta district/region, plus an additional five awards for the five largest Zonta districts for a total of 37 awards each year.


Living Treasure Award:  Since 2003, a Living Treasure Award has been offered each year to coincide with celebrations on International Women’s Day. All women over 16 years of age are invited to apply. Nominations are sought from the shires of Rockhampton and Livingstone. Personal qualities and attributes such as capacity and capability to achieve, capacity to inspire, empower and influence others by one’s achievements and capacity to bring about change for a group, community, town, city, region are sought in nominees to be considered as a Zonta Living Treasure. Sponsorship is usually sought from business to fund the award.


Service Projects:

Breast Care Cushions:   In 2001, the club adopted the service project of making and supplying Breast Care Cushions to the local Breast Care Nurse for distribution, free of charge, to patients undergoing breast surgery in hospitals. The cushions provide comfort in the post-operative phase. The Zonta Breast Care Cushion project was initiated by the Zonta Club of Botany Bay NSW in 1995. The project was adopted by other Zonta Clubs throughout Australia progressively from 2000 and by early 2008 the tally of cushions made nationwide was approximately 46,500 cushions. The project has also been adopted by Zonta Clubs around the world since being showcased at the Zonta International Convention in Melbourne in 2006. The project has been active in places as far flung as Germany, Canada, the USA, New Zealand and Macedonia. Throughout the year Zonta Clubs hold sewing bees to make these sought-after cushions. Approximately 120 cushions are made yearly by Rockhampton Zontians.

Side by Side DVD: A valuable project was put in place by the Rockhampton Club in October 2012. The Zonta Club of Redcliffe launched a documentary DVD for breast cancer patients, which is being made available through other Zonta Clubs. In November 2012, Zontians  presented a Rockhampton Breast Care Nurse with the DVDs for distribution to patients. More will be purchased as the need arises. The 45 minute DVD, titled ‘Side by Side’, comprehensively covers all stages of the breast cancer journey. It provides a very non-clinical, guided tour of the host of services, resources and people that are available to help support the patient along the individual breast cancer journey. The DVD is provided to patients free of charge. This film is a powerful (virtual) road map or guide to the breast cancer journey and the people who could be by your side along the way. Owing to a change in method of delivery, this DVD is now available on line. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfDGj7j4ckfiVoujyltOAwg

One viewer’s comment – “I thought the documentary was absolutely marvellous. It did not portray breast cancer as being a scary subject but as something that can be managed with the right people behind you. I felt as though I was the one sitting there, having the conversations with these lovely people in a calm and relaxed way without fear or in trepidation. It gave me goose bumps.”


Women’s Shelter and Essential Packs: As part of Zonta’s ongoing support for the Women’s Shelter, the local women’s refuge, Zontians prepare Essential Packs containing essentials for household use by the women entering the shelter. The local women’s refuge was first to receive donated funds and clothing in 1983 when the Zonta Club was chartered. This support has been constant over the years. As the need for personal essentials has decreased in recent years, the club now donates essential linen, towels and household goods.



Homeless Connect: For a number of years, our club has supported the Homeless Connect program which is conducted by the Rockhampton Regional Council. The Homeless Connect event provides an opportunity for those people who find themselves in difficult situations without safe, secure and affordable housing, to attend a day where different services and agencies are on hand to provide help and basic essentials and advice.  Zonta has provided items such as small blankets and sanitary products, for distribution at the event. In July 2024, Felicity delivered essentials to the collection point for the homeless.



Share the Dignity “It’s in the Bag”: The club supports homeless women through the ‘It’s in the Bag’ project, organizing essential and hygienic toiletries in useful tote bags, which are then delivered to a collection point for distribution.  In November 2024, the club held a working bee to fill zippered bags with essential products such as shampoo & conditioner, toothbrush & toothpaste, body wash or soap, deodorant (roll-on preferred), sealed packet of pads and/or tampons. 20 bags were delivered to the collection point.



Sexual Assault Support Centre: Zonta also supports the Sexual Assault Support Centre within the Rockhampton CIB with Crisis Kits of clothing for the victims of sexual assault. For a number of years now, the club has purchased clothing in different sizes to be available for women following sexual assault. The need is monitored, and restocking takes place regularly with the clothes delivered to the Rockhampton Hospital and the Queensland Police Service, contained in useful shopping bags.



Shelter Collective: Zonta supports The Shelter Collective, which is a community group which was formed to support and provide accommodation for homeless women. The 10 cottages, which were unused at an aged care home, were renovated and now provide affordable, safe and secure homes for women over the age of 55 years. Zonta’s donation purchased security screens for the homes. The community of cottages is known as Cooinda Place. One resident, who moved into her cottage in October 2023, said she was happy to have somewhere safe and secure to live, and loved gardening in her new garden.



ICare Community Project: Zonta supports this community-driven initiative in neighbouring Yeppoon, which has raised thousands of dollars in contributions and vouchers to assist residents in need. The ICare Community Project evolved through community conversations, leading to a desire to encourage shire residents not to give up, and to have a sense of hope and community support when experiencing hardship. The initiative has been taken into the heart of many local groups and organizations who have raised money, or donated goods to support community members in their greatest time of need.



Karen’s Haven: The Zonta Club of Rockhampton is a sponsor of one of the Karen’s Haven houses. The four three-bedroom cottages in a gated community, built by Anglicare Central Queensland, opened in Rockhampton in 2023. The new specialized housing for victims of domestic and family violence, is aptly named Karen’s Haven after a Rockhampton domestic violence victim. The organization’s housing and homelessness manager said “Last financial year, 280 people came to Anglicare Central Queensland for homelessness support, after experiencing some form of domestic and family violence. It’s imperative that women have a safe place to go to.” The organization had applied for a federal government grant through the Safe Places Emergency Accommodation program several years ago to build the houses. Anglicare Central Queensland plans to work with the local women’s shelter to determine who lives in the homes, with the aim of transitioning the residents to other permanent accommodation after a few months.



Zonta Says NO to Violence against Women Campaign: Zonta Club of Rockhampton supports the Zonta Says NO campaign to end violence against women which commenced in November 2012.

Zonta Says NO to Violence Against Women” is a Zonta International campaign to raise awareness of and increase actions to end violence against women and girls around the world. The campaign features the service and advocacy actions of Zonta clubs and districts to prevent and end violence against women and girls in their local communities.


Zonta Says NO Campaign:                                                                                                                                                           

Members of the Zonta Club of Rockhampton Inc. take part each year in the Zonta Says NO 16 days of Activism Campaign which commences on the 25th November (International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women) and concludes on 10th December (Human Rights Day). Displays are organized in Rockhampton and Yeppoon libraries and ZSN Banners are hung on main highways leading from both city centres. Information is available for those in need of support in library displays and for those who know of someone who may need support.

Zonta and its clubs advocate on a variety of issues related to gender equality and women’s empowerment through:

Zonta members strive to take advocacy actions throughout the year which –

  • Promote the human rights of women
  • Promote Sustainable Development Goal No. 5 “Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls”
  • Bring an end to violence against women and girls.