Zonta Club of Pine Rivers Inc.

? pine rivers

About our club

The Zonta Club of Pine Rivers is based in the Moreton Bay region, roughly covering the area previously known as Pine Rivers Shire. We are a service organisation that—through fundraising and advocacy—supports service projects assisting women and girls to live safe and productive lives.

Our members come from a range of professions, some retired, and are of various ages. We live in suburbs stretching from Lawnton to Keperra, and are currently seeking new members to join us!

Our meetings

Our club meets monthly, on the second Wednesday of each month. These dinner meetings are held at the Kakowan Community Facility in Bunya, beginning at 6.30 pm. On occasions, we have guest speakers attend the dinner meetings.

Our service projects

Our local projects include:

  • assisting the Centre Against Domestic Abuse Inc. (CADA) to support women and children in need by providing hampers of donated goods, based on need, such as baby products or Christmas hampers
  • contributing to the cost and distribution of CADA safety cards – small fold-up cards for women seeking help, listing useful services and contact numbers for assistance
  • funding the annual $1,500 Zonta Pine Rivers Bursary awarded to a female student in financial need studying at the USC Moreton Bay Campus
  • sewing and assembling breast cushions for regional hospitals to provide comfort to those who have undergone mastectomies
  • organising birthing kit assembly days, in support of Birthing Kit Foundation Australia, for use in developing countries to improve the chance of survival for newborn babies and their mothers
  • responding, on a case-by-case basis, to other requests for donations to help women and girls in our local community.

We also donate a third of all funds we raise to Zonta International Service Projects, which are run in conjunction with United Nations agencies such as UN Women. These specific and monitored projects improve the lives of thousands of women and girls in developing countries. You can read more about these life-changing projects on the Zonta International website.

Our fundraising activities

The service work of the club is made possible through the amazing fundraising efforts of our members.

Our current fundraising initiatives include:

  • sausage sizzles at Bunnings Carseldine
  • special events such as International Women’s Day function, trivia nights and fashion events
  • various stalls at local community events
  • applications for local and state government grants.


As a club chartered under Zonta International, we support their Zonta says NO campaign, calling for an end to violence against women and girls worldwide.

The Zonta Club of Pine Rivers also supports the Queensland Government’s campaign NOT NOW, NOT EVER : Putting an end to domestic and family violence in Queensland.

If you or someone you know is experiencing domestic or family violence, call DV Connect on 1800 811 811 (available 24 hours, 7 days) for advice on safety strategies and available support services.

Contact us

Membership enquiries

If you are considering becoming a member, or wish to find out more about our club, we’d love to hear from you. Call Terry Campbell on 0477 327 771 or send an email.

Other enquiries

Like to present at one of our meetings? Interested in partnering with our club on a project? Able to donate goods to support one of our service projects? Please send details by email

Our postal address is PO Box 447, Lawnton Qld 4501.

Are you a Facebook user? Keep up with our news and be part of our community by liking our Facebook page.