Empowering Women Through Service and Advocacy at a global and local level.
This is achieved through local fundraising, service and fellowship.
Zonta International is a global organisation of professionals working to advance women’s rights through service and advocacy in 63 countries.
Zonta Noosa was chartered as a club of Zonta International on 31 March 1993. Club meetings are held at the Noosa Springs Golf Resort and Spa on the second Thursday of each month at 5.30 pm for a 6 pm start and conclude by 8.30 pm. Our club membership consists of women from a diverse range of ages, experiences, professions and backgrounds. All members are committed to working together to support major international projects through Zonta International as well as a range of local service and advocacy projects, awards and community-based initiatives. If you would like to be invited to a monthly meeting OR wish to contact the club, please send an email with your contact details. Please click here!
Zonta Club of Noosa: 1408. District 22. Area 01,
teams with other clubs in our region to form district 22.
Noosa Club supports projects such as:
- The assembly of birthing kits for women in remote regions of the developing world which provide clean birthing conditions to women who give birth at home
- Breast comfort cushions distributed to women in local hospitals recovering from breast surgery
- (Comfort Cushions Video:Click here)
- Personal care packs to women’s refuges in the area
- Scholarships for indigenous female students, women studying Science with environmental strand, women studying Technology and women undertaking Business Studies
- Bursaries for female school students at two local schools
- Ongoing support for SHINE Houses for women and children escaping domestic violence
- Advocacy initiatives in collaboration with Noosa Council; 16 days of Activism events
- Sunny Street A Doctor & Nurse led outreach service providing primary healthcare and complex coordination services for homeless and vulnerable individuals and families.
• Shine Houses The Salvation Army’s Supported Accommodation Sunshine Coast provides case management and temporary supported accommodation to families who are experiencing homeless, at risk of homelessness or escaping domestic and family violence.
Each year the Club conducts a campaign to raise awareness of the incidence of violence against women and promote the Zonta Says No campaign. This is one of our biggest events and runs over a 16 day period in November and December. In recent years this has involved a procession along the Boardwalk in Noosa with members carrying orange cut-outs of women displaying messages that violence against women is not acceptable.
- To find out more about Zonta Says NO to Violence Against Women: Please click here!
International Women’s Day is another big fundraiser. It is held on the 8th of March each year and in Noosa we join with other women in the community to celebrate inspirational women around the world.
In addition to working on fundraising and advocacy issues, the club has a range of activities which provide fellowship and fun with like-minded women as well as the opportunity to form strong friendships with Zontians from other clubs through Area Meetings, District Conferences and International Conventions.
A little piece of history
Zonta International Centennial Celebration (2018-2020)
100 years ago, founding member, Marian de Forest dreamed of an organization that would bring together women in executive positions and help them reach their rightful places in the professions that rarely had women leaders.
- Since the creation of Zonta International in 1919, our members have dedicated the last century to empowering women, both in and outside of Zonta.
- To celebrate these achievements, Zontians around the globe will take part in a two-year celebration to honor the past while heralding the future.
Sausage sizzle 24th April
Sausage sizzle 24th July
Sausage sizzle 11th December
Di Olson speaking at our monthly meeting on April 8th
NOOSA AGM Thursday 13th May 2021
*To view activities of Zonta Clubs in our District: Please click here!