Zonta Club of Mount Isa Inc.

? mount isa

Mount Isa is a real Oasis in the Outback. A thriving cosmopolitan city of 20,000 people situated in the ochre-red Selwyn Ranges on the banks of the Leichardt River, 900 klms west of Townsville and 600 klms south of Karumba, Mount Isa is a busy mining, commercial, industrial and tourism centre that celebrates 80 wonderful years of existence in 2003.

The Zonta Club of Mount Isa Inc. was chartered in September 1993 under the guidance of Mary Magee OAM and Dianne Leggo and will shortly celebrate 30 years. The Club presently has 25 members, with a number of charter members still active. We meet on the third Wednesday of each month at 6.30pm.

Our clubs welcome visitors. To find out more about our Club  and be invited to attend a meeting please send us an email

The members of our club have proudly given their time, talents and energy to the community since their respective charter dates, raising funds, negotiating donations and sponsorship and giving “hands on service” to projects assisting women.  The club organises such events as International Women’s Day and the annual Bush Poets Breakfast. We often take our Fairy Floss and Coffee machines out into public and dispense Fairy Floss and Zonta PR simultaneously. Various women’s shelters in town are supported by our club by ongoing care pack donations with two computers having been donated to Domestic Violence Centre’s in previous years.

We have a commitment to keeping the Zonta ethos relevant and our members value the fellowship and service that is inclusive with membership in our clubs.

To find out more about the activities of Zonta Clubs throughout District 22 Click here