Zonta Club of Maroochy Inc.

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Our Club

The Zonta Club of Maroochy Inc (formerly the Zonta Club of Nambour) was chartered on 1 May 1994  with 28 members.  The Club encompasses the northeast quarter of the Sunshine Coast Council region.

The women within our Club come from a diverse range of ages, experiences, professions and backgrounds.  At Zonta Maroochy,  we value all the amazing women in the Club who give their energy to having a meaningful impact on women’s lives with the Maroochy area.   Friendship, fun and support of each other are key values in our Club while we achieve the Zonta International Objectives.

What We Do

Locally, Zonta Maroochy supports a range of service projects, education awards, and advocacy initiatives all chosen by the vote of Club members and all reflecting Zonta’s mission of empowering women.


  • provide financial support to women’s refuges offering crisis care for victims of domestic and family violence
  • donate and deliver hampers and personal care packages to the refuges that we support
  • make and provide breast cushions and drainbags to local hospitals for women who have undergone breast cancer treatment
  • purchase and assemble birthing kits which provide clean birthing conditions and education in clean birthing practices to women who give birth at home in remote regions of the developing world


  • award Mature-Age Bursaries to women undertaking tertiary study
  • promote the Young Leaders in Service Award to encourage young women to engage in community leadership roles


  • support Zonta International’s campaign calling for an end to violence against women.
  • participate in walks and activities associated with DV Month, White Ribbon Day and the UN’s 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Based Violence




Internationally, Zonta Maroochy also financially supports major service projects through the Zonta Foundation for Women. Run in conjunction with United Nations agencies such as UN Women, these specific and monitored projects improve the lives of thousands

You can read more about these life-changing projects on the Zonta International website Click here. of women and girls in developing countries.

Fundraising Activities

In order to fulfil our service commitments the Club undertakes various fundraising activities. Some are one-offs and others are tried-and-true events that have become an important part of the Club’s fundraising calendar:

  • International Women’s Day Brunch
  • Movie and Trivia Night
  • High Tea with a Twist


 Club Meetings

Meetings are held on the third Wednesday of the month (excluding December) at a local venue commencing at 5:30pm for a 6:00pm meeting followed by dinner. From time to time we invite guest speakers to address the meeting on a wide variety of interesting topics.

We always welcome new members.

If you would like to know more about our Club or want to come along for a Club Dinner Meeting please send us an email.

To find out more about the activities of Zonta Clubs throughout our District Click here.

Are you a Facebook user? Keep up with our news and be part of our community by liking our Facebook page.