Zonta Club of Brisbane South Inc.

? brisbane south

     Who are we? The Zonta Club of Brisbane South Inc was chartered as a Club of Zonta International on 23 January 1979. The Brisbane South club mainly encompasses the southern suburbs of Brisbane.

Our club membership made up of women from a diverse range of ages, experiences, professions and backgrounds. All members are committed to improving the legal, political, economic, educational, health and professional status of women at the global and local level through service and advocacy. This is achieved through local fundraising, service and friendship. We financially support Zonta’s international service projects.

Brisbane South meets on the second Wednesday of each month (except January) at  The Brisbane Golf Club, 70 Tennyson Memorial Drive, Yeerongpilly commencing at 6.00pm for  6:30pm meeting followed by dinner. If you would like to be invited to a Dinner Meeting please send an email with your contact details.


Interested? Want to find out a little more? Contact us at Zontabrisbanesouth@live.com.au and a member will contact you with further information.


What do we do?

We endeavour to empower women through service and advocacy. In doing so we fundraise for our ongoing and specific projects having fellowship and fun along the way with like minded women.

Breast Cushions

Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers among women in Australia, with 1 in 9 expected to be diagnosed by the age of 85.  The members of the Zonta Club of Brisbane South provide 60 handmade cushions per month to two local hospitals. These are used to assist and give comfort in the recovery from Breast surgery.

International Project

The Zonta Club of Brisbane South supports Zonta International projects through UNICEF, UNIFEM and UNFPA. Each August we  assemble Birthing Kits to assist with hygenic birthing practices for women in third world countries.


The Zonta Club of Brisbane South supports the Zonta International Strategies to end Violence Against Women (ZISVAW). Locally the members provide assistance to various women’s shelters through providing care packs and Shoe Boxes of Love. In 2014 over 800 care packs were distributed.

 Scholarships and Bursaries 

The Zonta Club of Brisbane South supports works with various educational providers to fund scholarships and bursaries to encourage future education of women.

To find out more about the activities of Zonta Clubs throughout District 22 Click here.