Zonta Club Burdekin Inc.


The Burdekin area, one hour south of Townsville, stretches from Giru to the north, south through Ayr and Home Hill to Gumlu. Our population of approximately 13,000 relies mainly on sugar cane and the crop is crushed here with the district having 4 sugar mills. In recent times with lower sugar prices, some farmers have diversified into sweet corn, green beans, peanuts, cotton and navy beans . Cattle, and small crops such as capsicums, melons, cucumbers, and mangoes complete the agricultural picture.

While the Burdekin River provides the lifeblood (water) of the district’s massive agricultural industry, in itself it is also a magnificent and diverse recreation area with untapped tourist potential. Spectacular coastal diversity gives our residents access to a range of secluded areas such as Cape Upstart, Groper Creek, Alva Beach and the list goes on. We are close to the Great Barrier Reef and are spoilt with reef and creek fish, prawns and crabs we simply take for granted. The barramundi fish caught here during the open season is both a delicious table fish and a spectacular sporting fish. We are also the drop off point for underwater diving to the Yungulla wreck.

Our club chartered in 1994 and has 24 members of which 7 are charter members, however we are on a recruiting drive at present having just lost several to transfer. We meet for a Dinner Meeting every second Tuesday of the month at 6.30pm at the Queens Hotel cnr Edward and Queen Streets, Ayr.

Recent activities of our Club include:

  • International Womens Day Breakfast to celebrate this annual event
  • Burdekin Woman of Achievement presented recently.  Awarded biennially
  • Anzac Day Parade Presentation of a book for the Burdekin Library
  • Bush Poets Breakfast 2014 where funds are to be used for DV prevention
  • DVD on Breast Cancer Support – an information night on the Redcliffe DVD was held
  • Birthing Kit Assembly Day with the kits distributed to a developing country to provide women with a clean birthing area;
  • Zonta Breast Care Cushions and Drainage Bags – Our club members make and distribute these and they are given to women from our area who have undergone breast surgery. The cushions are supplied to Townsville General Hospital and a private surgeon operating from the Mater Hospital;
  • Comfort packs of soap, comb, shampoo etc are made up for women who have had to seek shelter as a result of domestic violence
  • Care kits for women who have been sexually assaulted are made up and kept at the local hospital

The above is a sample of our activities – both “hands on” service and raising funds for special projects.  Club members enjoy great fellowship through our Club activities which all relate to our mission of “Advancing the Status of Women Worldwide”.

If you would like to know more about our Club please contact our President Judith Sgarbossa on Ph 0408 182 791 or send an email. 

To find out more about our Clubs in District 22 Click here