16 Days of Activism 2022
ZONTA Says “NO” to Domestic Violence

Zonta Cairns works very closely with the community during The 16 days of activism which occurs from the 25 November to 10 December annually.
Say NO to Domestic Violence. Our club endeavours to successfully promote this campaign in the following ways:
- Pre- 16 Days of Activism lead-up events: 14th November – Health & Well Being Expo at Bentley Park College. Zonta will set up a stand/banner and speak to High School Students re- Zonta says NO to Domestic Violence. Also the profile of Zonta Cairns will be raised by discussing who we are and what we do.
- Prepared packs which will include pamphlets (Safety Tips for Young Girls)/bookmarks/business cards will be distributed to young girls in High Schools across the region in preparation for The 16 Days of Activism.
- All libraries in the Cairns region from Mossman to Gordonvale will organise a display in their library from the 25th Nov – 10th Dec. All displays will be set up by each individual library supported by books to support this theme. Zonta will add banners, brochures, bookmarks, business card, zollies to these displays.
- Each member of Zonta will ask their hairdresser to display a Zonta stand displaying Zonta’s brochures/bookmarks/business cards.
- Each member of Zonta will ask their favourite coffee shop to display a Zonta stand displaying Zonta’s brochures/bookmarks/business cards.
- Brochure stands will be displayed in Breast Screen Cairns.
- Life sized wooden Zollies will be displayed at Hambledon House and two at Bentley Park College. Displays will support these Zollies.
Social Media
A member of Zonta will put up one message/day on Facebook & Instagram supporting Zonta’s stance against domestic violence.
A member of Zonta will do one interview with Community Radio before the launch of 16 days explaining what we are doing in the Cairns area.
These events will also be added to the events calendar for The Cairns Volunteers Program.