Zonta Rockhampton Information Session
Zontians joined with potential members Christine, Gaylene, Jenny, Patricia, Sonia and Cara for a couple of hours on Saturday afternoon for a relaxing session to learn about Zonta. The ladies were welcomed by President Meredith Sutherland and we thank Meredith for hosting the group at her home in such beautiful surroundings. Thank you to Elizabeth, Meredith, Cara and Berenice for the afternoon tea which we enjoyed.
After introductions and welcome by Meredith, Chair of Membership, Berenice Payne, took the group through a presentation which explained what Zonta is and in particular, Zonta’s mission and vision. Also covered was how clubs work within the international three tier framework. The guiding principles of the organization – The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Sustainable Development Goals were explored and how they underpin the advocacy, service and award programs which are undertaken at the three levels – local, national and international. After a question and discussion time, a very relaxing afternoon tea followed and was enjoyed by all.
We look forward to welcoming new members to our club.