Zonta International District 22 Ltd

Certificate of Registration – Zonta International District 22 Ltd ACN 612 963 194
I am delighted to be able to advise you all that Zonta District 22 became an Incorporated Body as of 13th June 2016. May I extend my heartfelt thanks to all clubs and members involved in the debate and discussions held surrounding this issue. To all Presidents in particular, who despite all odds in some cases, have managed to return all the correctly signed consent forms for incorporation I extend a special thankyou for your diligence and patience.
The 2016 – 2018 biennium for all District 22 Board members will now be able to be installed and will function under the banner of incorporation. There will be some administrative changes for the board but clubs will not experience any great change.
May I congratulate all and I look forward to the handover to the incoming board early in July knowing we have together achieved Incorporation for our members in line with Zonta Internationals  Risk Management recommendations.