Pamper Packs for Women’s Shelter

What a great Pamper Pack working bee on Saturday 31st October and thank you to Suzan for the use of her premises and to those Zontians who attended.

Leeanne and Robyn  prepared the bags with gift tags. A big thank you to the NAB staff for providing the labels and printing them with the Zonta logo and message.

Meredith, Elizabeth and Rosalie packed the bags. Thanks are also due to Elizabeth, who organized all the items into categories before hand, thus making it much easier to pack the bags. Consequently the packing was completed in record time.

Lastly our thanks to the NAB girls, Kelly, Melanie, Kate, Sheona and Lee-Anne, who joined us for the working bee. Many thanks Sheona for organizing at the NAB end. Berenice as Service Chair, organized the working bee.

Also, we wish to thank all NAB staff who have contributed to the collection of toiletries and the purchase of items for the pamper packs. It is much appreciated.

Result: 117 Pamper Packs were presented to Beverley. Manager of Women’s Shelter by President Rosalie at the November Meeting. A cheque for $200 was also presented to Beverley to assist with Christmas celebrations at the Shelter.

Zonta – Publicity Pamper Packs Dec. 2015

Pamper Pack Collage 2015Beverley and Rosalie 2015