Recognition Awards for Zonta Noosa Club Members …
Recognising Club Members for their Years of Service and Dedication…
President Jan Comins acknowledging and presenting awards to the various Zonta Noosa Members for their dedication and years of service:
*Marg and Helen were presented with their awards at the end of year Zonta Noosa Christmas Function (2016).
The awards are for: ‘Continuous service and dedication to the Zonta Club of Noosa Inc.’
- Marg (22 years) of service and dedication and
- Helen (20 years) of service and dedication.
*Congratulations also to Lynn for 20 years of service and dedication to the Zonta Club of Noosa.
Lynn was presented with her award at the February Zonta Noosa Dinner Meeting (2017).

Congratulations Lynn … 20 years of service and dedication.
All members have actively contributed to the club through holding various positions within the club’s structure and generously given of their time and energy to the many programs, projects and fundraising events that the club holds each year.
Congratulations to all members for your invaluable service and advocacy given to Zonta and to the Community.
Zonta Noosa looks forward to acknowledging other members as they reach the various milestones in the coming year!