Zonta Club of The Whitsundays Inc.

? the whitsundays

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The beautiful Whitsundays is situated on the central Queensland coast between Mackay and Townsville. 

Our Work (Advocacy & Service) 

  • We support the Whitsunday Counselling and Support Service in assisting women and girls in need
  • We raise awareness of Domestic Violence, particularly during the 16 Days of Activism in November
  • We provide Education Bursaries for female students who may need financial assistance to pursue tertiary education
  • At Christmas, we prepare Pamper Packs for the ladies in the Women’s Refuge and participate in Adopt a Family
  • Members meet to sew blankets and breast cushions for the local hospital and nursing home
  • We donate books to the Whitsunday Library at Cannonvale – you’ll find them in the Zonta Section
  • The Club supports the Birthing Kit Foundation and packs 600 kits each year will help from students at St Catherine’s and Proserpine High
  • St Catherine’s has an active “Z Club” for female students
  • We support international projects through donation to the Zonta Foundation
  • We raise funds for our work throughout the year with major events including International Women’s Day celebration, Christmas in July, Derby Day in October and regular Bunnings Sausage Sizzles.

Education Bursaries: The applicant must be a young woman who:

  • Is a resident of, or was educated in, the Whitsunday region
  • Can state how the Bursary will make a real difference to her capacity to continue with her studies
  • Has the written support of an educational organisation
  • Is prepared to meet the acquittal criteria
  • Further details and application forms are available from zontaclub7@hotmail.com  

Social Occasions:  Our Changeover is always a celebratory event and we host our annual Christmas party. We also participate in community events such as the Reef Festival.

Our vibrant, active Club, of 30 members, meets on the 3rd Thursday of every month at 6:30pm for a  catered dinner meeting. If you would like an invitation to attend one of the meetings please send an email .

ZONTA SAYS NO: Zonta ladies Cath Fernbach, Connie Riley, Maxine Thiele, Sue Hansen, Ann Cleghorn, Lauren Haack, Athena Murray, Joan Watson and Pam Harrison are standing in front of the banner which was erected on Monday morning to support Domestic Violence awareness. Photo Inge Hansen / Whitsunday Times.

Our ladies are seen in parades and at storefronts during the 16 Days of Activism in November.

To find out more about the activities of Zonta Clubs throughout our District Click here