
Imagine a world where women and girls are not exploited. A world where there are equal opportunities for education and work, and where they can feel safe in their homes and when walking down the street.

Well, promoting that world is what  Zonta is about.

We work with local and global communities through hands on volunteering, fundraising, and advocacy, including having a voice at the UN.

And… we do it all with an amazing, inspirational group of women and lifelong friends.

Who are We?

The Zonta Club of Brisbane Breakfast is a small but energetic group who value our fellowship time at meetings, as well as through our events and service projects.

We meet for breakfast (7am – 8.30), usually on the first Friday of the month, at Tattersalls Club in the Brisbane CBD.

Our Service Projects

Every two years we select a major local service project and 2/3rd of our fundraising efforts go to this group.  Examples of our past projects include:

  • 3rd Space – a centre providing help to people who are homeless or at threat of homelessness
  • Harrison’s Little Wings – a support service for women with high risk pregnancies
  • Zephyr Education Australia – providing support to help children affected by domestic violence get back to school
  • Birthing Kit Foundation – providing kits to support women to birth safely in third world overseas counties

In addition to fundraising, we undertake ‘hands on support’ activities for our major project as well as other groups.  This provides an opportunity for fellowship while also supporting services which benefit women and girls.

We also support international Zonta projects by donating 1/3rd of our fundraising proceeds.

Being a Member of the Club

Our members all lead busy lives.  We accept that not everyone can be at every meeting or directly involved in every activity.  However, as a small club we are looking for people who can actively contribute their time by attending meetings, assisting with planning and delivery of fundraising and other events, and can participate in one of our committees ( Membership; Finance and Fundraising; Service and Advocacy).  Committees meet periodically using a virtual platform to minimise impact on member’s time.

If we sound like a club you would like to learn more about, please contact us via email

You would be welcome to join us for a meeting and a chat to see if we are a good fit for you.