Zonta Club of Blackall Range Inc.

? blackall range




Zonta International is a leading global organisation, founded in 1919.

Zonta aims to build a better world for women and girls by expanding their access to education, health care, economic opportunities, and safe living conditions.



The Zonta Club of Blackall Range has proudly supported this mission for nearly 30 years, through gender equity projects both locally and globally.

Our impact in the community includes Advocacy – because women’s rights are human rights; Service projects – that empower women and girls;  Education – scholarships from high school through to tertiary study.

Together, we can create more equal, safer, and inclusive societies, for a world where everyone can thrive!


President Margy Henderson     president@zontablackallrange.org.au
Vice President & Secretary Lyndel Grant
Treasurer Rita Kerr
Minutes Secretary Linda McElrea
Service Chair June Robson                service@zontablackallrange.org.au
Membership Chair Ann Koenig                  membership@zontablackallrange.org.au
PR Chair Eva-Marie Seeto       pr@zontablackallrange.org.au
Archivist & Parliamentarian Alison Huth



Service Projects

We work to improve the health and wellbeing of women, including providing essential supplies for local refuges, birthing kits for developing countries, and assisting school students in immediate financial need.

Services and organisations supported this year include: Breaking Thru, Lily House, Sonshine Sanctuary, and Mapleton Library and Community Centre.


Zonta says YES to a world free of violence against women.

We are a foundation member of Speak Up Now, a collaboration of local service clubs and organisations on the Blackall Range. Using advocacy, information, and public awareness, we aim to reduce domestic and family violence, and elder abuse.

Education Projects

We offer awards recognising young women at high school who excel in community service and leadership. Scholarships to assist with the costs of study are also available to women undertaking higher education, including at UniSC

For more information and an application form, email: scholarship@zontablackallrange.org.au

Fundraising & Special Events

Our projects are only made possible through generous donations and active fundraising including: the Zonta Hinterland Business Directory, plant stalls, raffles, and community events.

On International Women’s Day each year, we host Dusk on the Deck, and recognise a local woman of achievement for her significant contributions to the community.


Dinner meetings are held in Maleny on the third Tuesday of each month, January to November.



Zonta Club of Blackall Range invites guests and new members keen to make positive change for women everywhere.

Whether it’s through equity advocacy, fundraising, PR, or our many service initiatives, your energy and enthusiasm are very welcome!

Contact: membership@zontablackallrange.org.au

Write to us at: PO Box 402,  Maleny  Q.  4552



Blackall Range Meetings Q1