Breast Care Cushion Workshops 2018
Zonta Club of Beaudesert Area members spent the morning cutting out 150 Breast Care Cushions.

Zontians Robin Powell, Pam Greenway, Margaret Brennan and Anne Beulah

Zontians Denise Martin, Margaret Brennan and Jane Blunck.

Zontians Pam Greenway, Ellen Logan, Denise Martin, Jane Blunck and Robin Powell.
Zonta Club of Beaudesert Area held a very successful Breast Care Cushion workshop with the help of the Beaudesert Quilters last Wednesday. A total of 203 cushions were sewn and packaged ready for delivery to hospitals in Brisbane.

President Denise Martin, Zontian Margaret Brennan and members of the Beaudesert Quilters display some of the finished cushions at Beaudesert Community Arts and Information Centre.

Zontians Joan Gray and Pam Greenway keeping busy. — at Beaudesert Community Arts and Information Centre.

Zontian Margaret Dennis tosses the 203rd cushion at the end of a very productive workshop. — at Beaudesert Community Arts and Information Centre